Today was the first day of 1st grade, and since Ryne was going into a new grade and she had a new dress she wanted a new hair style. I actually saw a style in a magazine that I liked but added to it to make it work with my daughters hair.
Start by doing an exaggerated part to one side. You will have 2 sections in the front and 1 in the back.
Starting on one of the front sections twist the hair, twisting it all the way to the ends, secure with an elastic. Repeat to the other front section.
I forgot to take a pic of this next step, but pull all the hair (including the twists) back into a loose ponytail. Once you have the pony tail stick your finger between the head and elastic and pull the hair down through, should look like this;
Take the remaining hair and wrap it around your fingers. (this part is the part I saw in the magazine)
See the hair between my fingers, pull that to the center of your bun, secure with a bobby pins.
This is the finished product.
We added a bow for fun.
It looks complicated and like it took a long time but it only takes about 10 mins.
Here's a front shot, she got lots of compliments about her hair, but the best part is that it stayed in for all of school!! So there it is hope ya like it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My son decided to give himself a haircut.
What do ya think!? Yeah we didn't like it either so we ended up with this:
We lovingly call him "baldy" now.
He wasn't happy about it at first, he definitely regretted that he cut his hair and promised he would never do it again. I hope he can keep that promise.
At least he is a boy and shaving his head was an easy fix, plus we live in Arizona and it's getting hot, he fits right in!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Queeny Belle Frills Giveaway
Check out Queeny Belle Frills she has the cutest headbands/bows and necklaces she is having a giveaway of $25 on her BLOG go check it out her stuff is AWESOME! Also check out her FB page.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Home Based Business Expo Info
I have been slackin in the hair department this week do to an Business Expo I am doin this week here's the info:
Saturday April 9, 2011
11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Trinity Christian Fellowship
50 South McQueen Rd, Chandler Az 85225
( McQueen Rd between Chandler Blvd and Frye Rd)
It's for the 2011 Chandler Relay for Life so come check it out if you click on THIS link you can see what other vendors are going to be there. It's a great excuse to get out of the house, so come on over and show your some support.
Hope to see some of ya there!
I actually have some hair tutorials I will be writing up as soon as things slow down!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Monday Styles
I know I have been HORRIBLE with posting new styles lately(and by lately I mean the last 2 yrs!), most of it's been due to some of us(yes I'm the guilty one) sleeping in resulting in no time for new styles or if by the off chance there is a new one there is no time for picture taking! Monday's however are a little better, for starters it's late start day my daughter doesn't have to be to the bus till 9:30 so we are up with plenty of time to do hair! So I am going to make a goal of posting a new style every Monday (and some weekends).
To start us off we are having our family pictures done on the 19th so I have been playing around with some styles.
I didn't take step by step shots but it was really simple, all I did was separate a front section of hair. Then starting on one side I french braided it only I didn't pick up hair from both sides just one leaving it raised and creating a kinda crown on her head.

Then I just curled the rest of it with of curling iron. 
And a pose with her Pillow Pet!

Here you can kinda see the braid. Oh yeah and that is the flower she will be wearing for pics.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Not hair related giveaway!
A friend of mine is doing a bow tie giveaway on her blog, she makes the cutest bow ties, hair bows/flowers, diaper bags and the cutest little girl tutu's, go check out all of her amazing stuff at La La Lola Handmade Gifts. You can also find her on facebook.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Star Burst Hair bow.
My mom gave me this gift bow, she thought I might want to try to make a hair bow like it. I've had it since May!! I decided today would be the day to pull it apart and make one for hair.

Things you'll need:
hot glue gun
hair clips
2. Take one circle fold in half then in half again, then trace or freehand the design of your petal. (This one was a stair step with a point kinda thing)

4. When you open them up make 2 little slits on either side of the petal, do this to all 4 petals. Again DO NOT cut all the way through.
I used a hair clip to hold it till the glue set.
This is what your circles should look like.
6. Start layering your petals, alternating which way they go so all spaces are covered.
Fluff it up a bit and your done, you could put a bead in the middle but I liked mine plain.
7. Glue a small circle of felt on the back to make it stronger, then glue it to a hair clip or head band.
Just remember to pull all the glue stringy's off BEFORE ya take any pictures!!

I thought it turned out pretty good, you can make it smaller or bigger by making more circles. Play with it there are many many possibilities!
1. Start by cutting 7 circles, 3 large (4in), 2 medium (3in), 2 small (2)

3. Carefully cut out each circle, once you've cut it out cut 1/3 of the way down the folds. DO NOT cut all the way to the point.

5. Fold one side of petal in, put a bead of glue then fold the other side over.

I thought it turned out pretty good, you can make it smaller or bigger by making more circles. Play with it there are many many possibilities!
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